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Pulau Pari, one of the most tranquil islands of Pulau Seribu

Pulau Pari @ Pulau Seribu: The Island of the Refugees

By: Putri Fitria Pulau Pari is one of the islands of the Pulau Seribu archipelago, located a stone's throw away from Jakarta. Pulau Pari is one of the more quiet...

Some of the postcards for the president - doc CtP

Brace Yourself, SBY, a Sack of Postcards is Coming

By: Reza Daffi In the award-winning clay-animated film Mary and Max, the two main characters find a best friend in each other through letters. Mary Daisy Dinkle and...

Vesak or Waisak is often reffered to as Buddha's Birthday, By: Putri Fitria

Vesak/Waisak: Contemplation & Self-Reflection on ‘Buddha’s Birthday’

By: Putri Fitria Vesak, or Waisak is a big day in Buddhism. At the Borobudur Temple, in central Java the Vesak celebrations attract thousands of visitors, most but not...

Snorkeling at Pari island

Pulau Seribu: A Jakarta Island Hideaway

By: Putri Fitria In metropolitan Jakarta, it seems nothing is more valuable than time. When there is spare time, most Jakartans spend it having a rest, or engaging in...

A traditional house in Kota Gede, By: Putri Fitria

Kotagede: The Last Heritage of the Mataram Kingdom

By: Putri Fitria A bell was tolling as Kotagede was officially declared a cultural preserve in Yogyakarta by Sultan Hamengku Buwono X a few weeks ago. The quarter...

Selat Solo, a salad with a Javanese twist, By; Putri Fitria

Selat Solo: A European Salad with a Javanese Twist

By: Putri Fitria As an old town, Solo has a history of being an epicenter for many cultural interactions, not only between local ethnic groups but also between ...

Hosing caterpillars down a tree in Indonesia

The 7 Plagues of Indonesia? Caterpillar Outbreak Hits Indonesia

By: Putri Fitria It’s almost like Indonesia is hit by 7 biblical plagues. After Volcanic eruptions, earth quakes and tsunami’s, we now suffer a caterpillar...

Bambang Teddy, FPI Leader

Inside the Islam Defender Front, Interview with an FPI Chief

By: Putri Fitria The Islam-Defenders Front (FPI) is an Islamic mass organization that has been allotted a quite large portion of media coverage in the last few years....

Blackberry Porn controversy Indonesia

Political Pornography?

By: Putri Fitria The plan to ban Blackberry service voiced by Minister of Communication and Information Tifatul Sembiring (the one who blamed Michelle Obama for...