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Step Vaessen

Jihad with Sambal; Step Vaessen calling.

By: Peter van Riel An evening with journalist Step Vaessen on Dutch television has generated good selling figures of her new and first book called Jihad met Sambal. A...

Getting married by the Angkor Wat, By: Willem van Gent

Cambodia Highlights

By: Willem van Gent Our ―and most visitors’ ― first destination in Cambodia is Angkor Wat, the famous temple complex. It is advisable to buy a three day-ticket, ...

Gerard Mosterd

A Javanese version of Stravinsky’s a Soldier’s Tale and Loevendie’s the Nightingale

Written by Stravinsky for a group of poor, unemployed artists and musicians during the crisis just after the first world war. Complex and dynamic music such as that...

The front room of Karang Aji Villa

A trip to Karang Aji, or, my rocky journey to the waters

By: Beatrice In the first pages of what is considered by many to be a classic American work of fiction, Herman Melville elaborated on the human race’s eternal love...

Lao Flag

Travel through Laos and Cambodia Part 1: From Vientiane to Pakse

By: Willem van Gent On the road from Vientiane Airport to the centre of the city you are welcomed by communist flags, alternating with the national flag of Laos. The...

banner dewa ruci

Dewa Ruci Comes to Groningen: an Indonesian Myth Crossing Borders

By: Patrick Durkan The scene: late May, at a 13th century church in a small rural village in the province of Groningen, the Netherlands. The project: a cross-cultural...

A Separation

World Cinema Amsterdam Festival 2011

This summer the second edition of World Cinema Amsterdam will take place from 10 - 21 August 2011: a festival that celebrates the many exceptional films made in...

junot diaz

The Ubud Writers Festival 2011

The 8th International Ubud Writers & Readers Festival will take place in Bali, Indonesia from 5 - 9 October 2011. The UWRF will hold the festival in over 50...

Climbing the Less Well-Known Peaks of Indonesia

By: Daniel Quinn As editor of the not-for-profit hiking website Gunung Bagging, I have spent the last few years exploring countless mountain peaks – both famous and...

Famous Journal online

The famous Dutch Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Leiden University) is online. The journal focused in particular on the linguistics, anthropology, and...