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A Balinese cremation in Covid style

by Sita van Bemmelen Bali is well-known for its ostentatious cremations. In my husband’s Brahman family originating from the sleepy town of Klungkung most members are...

Book reviews in Dutch

Soo Kim Dit is Korea Terra, ISBN 9789089898425, Euro 22,99 Wij hebben iets met landen als Taiwan en Korea. Al was het maar vanwege al die devices made in … die we...

In search of a lost fatherland (2) Rudy Kousbroek and Sitor Situmorang about Sumatra

by Dirk A. Buiskool Photo Barbara Brouwer, Marc Vervaart   After a stay of more than 30 years on Sumatra, I became attached to the country. In 1990 I came to Medan as a...

In search of a lost fatherland (1) Rudy Kousbroek and Sitor Situmorang about Sumatra

by Dirk A. Buiskool Photo Barbara Brouwer After a stay of more than 30 years on Sumatra, I became attached to the country. In 1990 I came to Medan as a teacher of...

Covid in Hindu Bali. Report by Sita van Bemmelen

Covid in Hindu Bali. The issue of social distancing by Sita van Bemmelen I am not going to tell you how badly the epidemic has hit Bali. That is self-evident, Bali being...

Muslims in Indonesia. A majority with a minority mentality

Islam in Indonesia Despite the fact the Indonesian archipelago has the largest Muslim population in the world, Islamic parties have never had the majority in its...

Tracing the Heritage of Cirebon (3) Batik Cirebon

Batik Cirebon by Regina Sari Agustinne  All Cirebon’s Batik is originated in the village called Trusmi, named after Ki Gede Trusmi, a man who introduced the art of...

Community-Based Ecotourism in North Sumatra

Community-Based Ecotourism as a Way to Ensure Nature Conservation, and Well-being in North Sumatra, Indonesia by Roderick T.J. Buiskool, M.A.   Orangutan and infant...

Tracing the Heritage of Cirebon (2) The Mosque

The Royal Mosque of Cirebon by Regina Sari Agustinne After enjoying the palace one can see the Royal Mosque of Cirebon. Although it was known by the name of The Great...

Tracing the Heritage of Cirebon (1) The Palace

Tracing the Heritage of Cirebon by Regina Sari Agustinne Cirebon was known as Grage in the past, which came from the word “negara gede” means “great Kingdom”, is...