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From afar, the crater of Rinjani looks beautiful and unspoiled, By: Angela Richardson

The Rinjani [Rubbish] Trail: How Lombok’s Majestic Rinjani is Covered in Mountains of Litter!

By: Hush Petersen, published in Jakarta Expat The naturalist John Muir is credited with a quote most mountain climbers have memorised and tend to recite after a few...

Punk & Rockabilly in Bali: Slick Ricks having a good time

By: Prima Ayu Walking around the busy streets of Bali at night time you may run into the occasional slick mohawked youth dressed like Johnny Cash or Elvis. The...

Traditional media & online communities collide in Singapore, By: Michael Coghlan

Davids and Goliaths: Singapore’s Changing Media Landscape

By: John Solomon Much has already been said about the sweeping changes that have come over Singapore’s political landscape in the wake of the last general ...

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“Sticks & Stones won’t Break my Bones “- the eco in Kamoro Art

By: Jina Muller, published in Jakarta Expat Long and heavy it lies on the wet morning grass, the dew licking its undersides. Young sunlight grazes its skin. Carvings...

Vann Nath in more recent years. Photo courtesy Melisa Fernandez

Victims of Khmer Rouge Worry Justice Won’t Stand Test of Time

By: Olesia Plokhii PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - As comatose Vann Nath’s lungs filled with water and family members pled for more donations to pay his $300 a day medical...

sumba map

Andre Graf: a French hot air balloonist turned dedicated well digger on Sumba

By: Jacobus E. Lato Most stories on the Indonesian island of Sumba tell of local kids proudly riding Sandalwoods, the well-known Sumba bred horses across savannas and...

All the choice in the world in the Pencil, By: Gabi Yetter

Cambodia Living Costs: Where Milkshakes Cost More Than Bacardi!

By: Gabi Yetter In this article Gabrielle Yetter gives us  insight into living costs in Cambodia. What does a meal at a restaurant costs? And a night in a Phnom Penh...

Photographing a photographer, By: Dalih Sembiring

Photography in Indonesia – Modern Times

By: Dalih Sembiring This is the second installment of our photography in Indonesia series. In this series, we look at photography in Indonesia, a phenomenon that has...

Dining on Jalan Jaksa, By: Maciej Dakowicz

Jakarta for the Weekend?

By: Thibaud O. Jakartans leave their work early on Fridays, hoping they can beat the traffic to the airport and enjoy a weekend in Bali or Singapore, away from the...

poster asian hot shots

Asian Hot Shots Berlin: Berlin’s most exciting Asian film festival!

Asian Hot Shots 2011: September 9th-11th at Berlin's Moviemento "Berlin's most exciting Asian film festival"! Since its inauguration in 2008 Asian Hot Shots Berlin...