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Jamu Cekok, open for service

Crying and Curing: A Photo Essay on Jamu Cekok (Traditional Medicines) in Yogya

Photos and story by: Nico Haryono In the very early morning, a woman is mixing and putting ingredients into a piece of cloth.  Several mothers and their children sit...

Hot and fragrant Soto Betawi

Dapoer Aisah: Soto Betawi Recipe

By: Aisah Wolfard The perfect cure against the cold is soto betawi, a hot bowl of beef soup to warm you up! Soto in Indonesian means soup with extra ingredients. It...

Tupu and Moyo, By: Iwan Effendi

The Tale of Mwathirika and the Papermoon Puppet Theatre

By: Umi Lestari The first time I saw Mwathirika two years ago at the French Cultural Center (CCF) in Yogyakarta, I was impressed. The tale of a family that lived in...

Nyoba Kan International Butoh Festival

Celebrating Butoh Dance: The 5th Nyoba Kan International Butoh Festival

2012 9th November – 9th December Artistic director : Lee Swee Keong Art aficionados, take heart! Here's something that will entice your senses. Nyoba Kan...

Cambodian baby

Roasting and Steaming in Cambodia: Traditional Health Practices for Pregnant Women

By: Gabrielle Yetter When Chan Moniroth delivered her first child this July, she wasn’t able to wash her hair for a month after the birth. She also had to inhale...

liang beach map

Stranded on Liang Beach, Ambon & Never Want to go Home…

By: Tegar Putuhena When visiting Maluku, do not forget to squeeze in a visit to Hunimua beach. Hunimua is better known as Liang Beach, as it is located near the ...

Vuth on the site where Khmer Rouge cannons were once stationed

The Memoria Palace & Resort: How Human Decency Calms the Thunderous Cannon

By: Tommy Boukhris There is a peaceful softness that accompanies the sunrise in the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia.  The stillness and calm of the Memoria resort...

Elephants made of paper and bamboo in Myanmar, By: Julia S Ferdinand

Elephant Dance Festival Myanmar

The Elephant Dance Festival lasts for two days and takes place in Myanmar. Life-size paper elephants with two people inside dance and sing throughout the city. The...

Lao Airlines Lands Lanith’s Passport to Success

Lao Airlines Lands Lanith’s Passport to Success

VIENTIANE – Lanith presented Passports to Success to 28 Lao Airlines personnel, who successfully completed customer service skills-training courses, during a...

Philippines food: Enjoy the cuisine but don't risk your health, By: Niko

Health Concerns in the Philippines

By: Karina Melissa Y. Ibabao Travelers looking to travel to the Philippines, should be aware of the destination’s main health issues and risks. The Philippines is a ...