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Book reviews in Dutch

Wim van den Doel Snouck. Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje Prometheus, E 49,99 ISBN 978 90 446 35621   Als eenvoudig studentje sociale...

Community-Based Ecotourism in North Sumatra

Community-Based Ecotourism as a Way to Ensure Nature Conservation, and Well-being in North Sumatra, Indonesia by Roderick T.J. Buiskool, M.A.   Orangutan and infant...

Soulscape Road

By: Oscar Motuloh I A meditation on the Aceh Tsunami disaster by Oscar Motuloh, one of Indonesia’s most influential photographers and founder of Galeri Foto...

A new model for mental health care?

By: Byron Good, Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, and Jesse Hession Grayman Conducting the Psychosocial Needs Assessment in one of Aceh’s post-conflict villages – Byron...

Small and Bigger Changes: Aceh is Moving Forward

By: Ed Caffin “Tourism has come back to Aceh. That is very good for us”, says Rizki*, as he pours us a morning coffee. Together with his brother Farid he runs a...

Coffee and comedy: An alternate model of piety in Aceh

By: Daniel Birchok Legal reforms in the Indonesian province of Aceh over the last decade have emphasised the importance of highly visible Islamic objects and...