Phnom Penh Living Costs
september 23, 2011by
By: Gabi Yetter In most metropolitan cities, five dollars won’t get you much. A mug of a fancy coffee drink, perhaps. Or a moderately- priced cocktail. Perhaps even...
Kasada, a Celebration Involving a Volcano & lots of People Throwing Stuff in it!
augustus 15, 2011by
By: Jack Lato People are divided into two categories in regards to their position in time. People that hang on to the past and those that live for the future; the first...
Hush, Little Baby, Lullabies from Indonesia
juli 10, 2011by
By: Dalih Sembiring When I was a little boy, before I went to sleep, I would lie on my grandmother’s big belly while she chanted me a lullaby. It was a two-line...
The Forgotten Love Story of Cangke Island
juli 06, 2011by
By: Reyhard Matheos Do you still remember the Hollywood movie Blue lagoon? The film tells the story of two young children marooned on a tropical island paradise in the...
The Distance between Jakarta & Berlin: 0 Kilometers!
juni 26, 2011by latest rss headlines
By: Emma Kwee Jakarta and Berlin, what do these two cities have in common? Except for the fact that they are both capital cities there’s not much that seems to...
The Tong Tong Fair, biggest Eurasian festival of the world
juni 03, 2011by
By: Ed Caffin If you have ever been to Dutch city The Hague this time of year, you must have seen it. It is hard to miss. A group of large white tents on Malieveld...
Pramoedya Ananta Toer – a committment to struggle
april 30, 2011by
By: Ed Caffin Pramoedya Ananta Toer was one of Indonesia’s greatest authors and an influential political figure. When he died in on April 30 in 2006 at the age of 86,...
Death of a Shaman, Death of a Tribe
april 07, 2011by
By: Antares Sibin Aus (also known as Sudin), resident shaman or dukun of Kampung Pertak (a Temuan village located 44 miles northeast of Kuala Lumpur in Ulu Selangor)...
Got Ink? Yogyakarta Tattoo Guide
april 04, 2011by
By: Astrid Reza Indonesia has a long history in tattoo cultures and traditions. The Mentawai tribe, who refer to tattoos as titi, are considered to have the oldest...
Ari Moyang: Malaysia’s Mah Meri People thank the Spirits
maart 25, 2011by
By: Ebrahim Harris The Orang Asli of Malaysia are divided into 18 sub-ethnic groups according to customs and languages.With a population around 1,400, Mah Meri is...