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Pabean Passage Surabaya

by Anton Gautama For over a century, the Pabean Market has been the center of of the spice trade in the agrarian Indonesian province of East Java. The sweet smell of...

Looking for Bali

by Michael Dean Morgan For this book Michael Dean Morgan has attempted to photograph some of the rhythms of everyday Balinese life. If you look closely you’ll discover...

Familiar Sky, oil paintings by Hanoi-based artist Quach Bac.

by Craig Thomas Quach Bac is a talented young visual artist who brings a critical eye and a perspective and maturity to his work that belies his relative youth (b....

Sixty Years On…Indonesian photographer John Kuan

by John Kuan The lovingly restored vintage automobiles still in daily use on the streets of Havana are an iconic symbol of the charm – and the tragedy – of the...

How to effectively build your business in East Asia. Book

GOING EAST: A hands-on expert explains how to effectively build your business in East Asia by Rudolf Tjandra A profound book on Marketing from Dr Rudolf Tjandra’s...

A mysterious land unveiled. Burma

Its political isolation ended, Myanmar yet remains a land of little-known cultures and peoples. Those with a curiosity to know more will find much to enjoy in Burma...

30 Things First-Time Solo Travelers Need to Know

by Cristina Costea Venturing out on your own for the first time can be intimidating and downright scary. First times are always that way. On the other hand, traveling...

6,000 Historical Children’s Books, All Digitized and Free to Read Online

We can learn much about how a historical period viewed the abilities of its children by studying its children’s literature. Occupying a space somewhere between the...

Jakarta Bites

Exploring Vibrant Street Food from the Heart of Indonesia by Petty Elliott by Petty Elliot Petty Elliott draws inspiration from the many popular dishes served by vendors...

25 Useful Tips for Beginner Surfers

by Cristina Costea Is surfing something you’ve always wanted to try, but you weren’t too sure you’d be good at it? Or maybe you were afraid you would fail? Don’t...