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Black Magic goes Public in Bali

by Bodrek Arsana In many homes in Bali, the mere mention of the word ‘léak’—meaning shape-shifting sorcerers or black magic practitioners—is taboo. But...

An American Sindhen in Solo

by Jessica Zike An American singing student navigates aesthetic culture clash in Central Java—and narrowly avoids being fitted with a large black hairpiece. I am about...

BATIK GARUTAN Koleksi Hartono Sumarsono

Garutan adalah istilah untuk menyebut kain batik yang dihasilkan di Garut, Jawa Barat, maupun yang dibuat di daerah lain dengan ciri-ciri yang khas garutan. Cirinya yang...

Bali highs in the terraced valleys of Ubud

Bali’s vivid green hills offer a sensory overload of culture, temples and rainforest – not to mention sublime restaurants and hotels. Just outside Ubud, in the...

Baby orangutan crammed into a sack and tied to a motorcycle

Following confiscation by the Indonesian Wildlife Authority BKSDA, the team at FOUR PAWS ORANGUTAN FOREST SCHOOL in Borneo has taken another defenseless orangutan baby...

Photography in Indonesia (3)

By: Dalih Sembiring It’s in Fashion “I like taking all kinds of photography, except beauty photography; I fear of drooling [from staring at the models],”...

Gaby Bovelander (1931-2020)

Gaby Bovelander (1931-2020) “The camp is in my entire work” First major retrospective in the Nood-Veluws Museum, Nunspeet, Netherlands She died figuratively...

Wegen met Zegen: book review in Dutch

Bjorn van Snippenburg, Liesbeth Meuldijk. Marga Zwiggelaar Wegen met Zegen. Wandelen door de Over-Betuwe Uitgeverij Elmar, ISBN 978 90 389 2825 8. Euro 20,- Bestel hier...

How To Start A Permaculture Garden

Anyone concerned with sustainable living will at some point sooner or later come across the concept of permaculture. Permaculture is notoriously difficult to define, but...

Craig Thomas Gallery

Craig Thomas Gallery will host a solo exhibition of figurative paintings by Saigon-based artist Lim Khim Ka Ty on 20 May 2022.  This will be Ka Ty’s second solo...