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Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2011

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival has hopped into the Year of the Rabbit and there’s a spring in our step and a heightened enthusiasm about this year’s event....


Multatuli’s Max Havelaar: Who is more Corrupt?

By: Ari Purnama Revisiting Multatuli’s Max Havelaar through its Cinematic Adaptation: A Review of Max Havelaar (Film) Max Havelaar of de koffieveilingen der...

Policeman outside Ahmadiyya cleric Suparman's house after the attacks, By: Antara

Attack on Ahmadiyya, How Unity in Diversity takes a Fall

By: Ibnu Nadzir & Emma kwee On the sixth of February, the slogan of Indonesia Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) took a fall. The Black Monday, that’s how...

surfing Bali

Introduction to Bali

By: Labodalih Sembiring By the 1920s, the “civilized world” began to be intrigued by a beautiful, mysterious island called Bali. The following decade, films, books...

Footprints hostel lobby

Singapore: Hostels, Guesthouses & Budget Beds

By: Cher Tan Singapore is an expensive city. Any backpacker or tourist arriving in Singapore after having done their rounds in Southeast Asia can attest to that. Gone...

durian stall Jalan Alor

A Durian Trip to Malaysia

By: Maya Liem While Malaysian durian is gaining popularity in (Southeast) Asian countries, it is rather unknown in Europe. Only recently, I became aware that...

Schoolchildren at the Borobudur, By: Ogi Fran

Borobudur: the Largest Buddhist Temple in the World

By: Labodalih Sembiring The Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. It took approxiamtely 75 years to build and stems from the Syailendra dynasty in the...

One Dollar For Music

In Indonesia, young people are well aware of the successes in other countries, but are often insufficiently aware of their own talents and qualities. They experience...

Living with Merapi

In the face of disaster, communities in the shadow of the volcano hold fast to their traditional beliefs Abdul Chamid The devastation of the village, one of many in the...

Crop Circle Indonesia

The Hoohah Over Crop Circles In Indonesia

By: Ibnu Nadzir Daraini If one has to name one the most exciting things about Indonesia,  it is probably its constant supply of hysteria in the news. Simply trace ...