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Sue, cross-cultural couples

Cross-Cultural Couples: Sue & Karsten

By: Emma Kwee It’s been a while, but finally, another couple stepped forward to share their story. We are still on the lookout for more mixed couples for this ...

Latitudes Cross Cultural Couples: Aity and Stefan when they met

Cross-Cultural Couples: Aity and Stefan

By: Emma Kwee Our family of mixed couples is growing bigger and bigger. The Latitudes Cross-Cultural Couples series is a testament to the intermingling of cultures that...

Salihara community

Art in Jakarta: Cultural Hotspots in Jakarta

By: Beatrice The traffic is horrible, the streets are absurdly flood-prone, and the pollution is suffocating. Yet Jakarta is hardly ever boring, especially...

Love, Sex, and Harmony: Bedtime Stories from the Heart of Java

Most of us have heard of India’s Kama Sutra and Tunisia’s Perfumed Garden. Every ancient agricultural society has its own celebration of fertility, sensual pleasure,...

Coffee drinking, the old style

Ha Noi’s Old Coffee-Houses, Sip Back & Let the Mind Wander

By: Phan Thanh Truc Recently, I was lucky enough to take a field trip to Ha Noi, in which I had the opportunity to explore many interesting things. In my experience,...

Ledjar's puppets come to life in this workshop, By: Sita Magfira

Ledjar Subroto: The Story of a Yogya-based Puppeteer & a Small but Smart Deer

By: Sita Magfira “Come in. Take a seat, please!” a white-haired man told me after I came in to Ledjar’s house. Ledjar is Yogyakarta-based puppeteer. Located in...

Si Phan Don, an Island Experience in Landlocked Lao

By: Isaac Olson Si Phan Don or the 4,000 Islands are nestled in the Mekong River in the Champasak Province of Southern Lao (Laos) near the Cambodian border. Whether...

Introduction to Solo: the Online Solo Travel Guide!

By: Umi Lestari As an eternal rival of Yogyakarta, Solo or Surakarta is arguably the epicenter of Javanese identity and tradition along with Yogyakarta. Both cities...

Ayu Utami, By: Panji Susanto

Indonesian Writer & Activist Ayu Utami: ‘I love Indonesia with Pain in my Heart’

By: Yvette Benningshof Questioning politics, human behavior and her own religion made Ayu Utami into a taboo breaking writer, journalist and activist. She gained...

Bernice Chauly

Bernice Chauly: ‘Growing up with Ghosts’

By: Melissa Lin Bernice Chauly is a writer, photographer, poet, lecturer and film-maker. Having been active in the Kuala Lumpur arts scene for almost two decades,...