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Trip to the highest peak of Bali, Mount Agung

by Jacob Laukaitis (This trip was done a while ago and filmed long before Mount Agung woke up) To the highest peak of Bali (video) I’m  a digital nomad – a...

Stunning Sano Nggoang Lake

Flores: The Other Crater Lake

By: Reyhard Matheos Kelimutu Lake on Flores, is widely known as the three colors lake. But in fact, the same island is also home to the biggest crater lake in Eastern...

From afar, the crater of Rinjani looks beautiful and unspoiled, By: Angela Richardson

The Rinjani [Rubbish] Trail: How Lombok’s Majestic Rinjani is Covered in Mountains of Litter!

By: Hush Petersen, published in Jakarta Expat The naturalist John Muir is credited with a quote most mountain climbers have memorised and tend to recite after a few...

Climbing the Less Well-Known Peaks of Indonesia

By: Daniel Quinn As editor of the not-for-profit hiking website Gunung Bagging, I have spent the last few years exploring countless mountain peaks – both famous and...