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Be rich, stay rich

Why are the New Order billionaires still doing so well? <br Christian Chua    Despite the stereotypes most Indonesian Chinese are not wealthy    Henri Ismail The...

Taxing questions

If the Indonesian government wants more people to pay tax it should improve public services and stop tax evasion by the rich <br Simon Butt    Purify your thoughts,...


How much longer can elites hide their privileges from view? <br Christian von Luebke    Slums and luxury flats in Jakarta    Ian Wilson Indonesia is often touted...

The rich in Indonesia

How do they live? How do they make their money? How good are they for Indonesia? Gerry van Klinken    Indonesian opulence: The 62-year old lawyer Warsito Sanyoto and...

Viral in Indonesia: YouTube Videos that Rocked Indonesia!

By: Emma Kwee The term viral refers to videos that spread like wildfire. Clips that are so funny or shocking that people want to share them. 'Sharing' seems to be the...

A reconstruction of the mysterious Java Man

Introduction to Central Java

By: Abmi Handayani Central Java is full of mysterious enchantment. This province is sandwiched between the more populous West and East Java provinces. Semarang is its...

The Annexe gallery KL

Introduction to Central Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur (KL) & Beyond!

By: Melissa Lin In the central region of Peninsular Malaysia we encounter the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, as well as the state of Selangor. The...

kota kinabalu

Introduction to Sabah, The Land Below the Wind

By: Melissa Lin Sabah, known as the land below the wind, lies on the island of Borneo, sharing the island with Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan Indonesia. Interestingly,...

Dayak war dance, By: Verry Sahagun

Introduction to West Kalimantan

By: Robert Santoso West  Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia  located on Kalimantan island. It’s nickname is “province with a thousand rivers”,...

Visit Timor Leste

Introduction to East Timor

By: Dalih Sembiring After approximately 200 years of Portuguese colonialization and more than 20 years of Indonesian rule, the world’s second-youngest state was...