King of The Netherlands, Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visit India
oktober 15, 2019by latadmin
King of The Netherlands, Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arrived in the national capital on October 13. They have arrived for a five-day visit to India....
Batik Betawi
oktober 11, 2019by latadmin
by Hartono Sumarsono, Helen Ishwara, L.R. Supriyapto Yahya, Xenia Moeis As one of the most prominent seaports in the Indonesian archipelago, Jakarta was visited by...
70 Years Journey of Roso
augustus 25, 2019by latadmin
Srihadi Soedarsono by Farida Srihadi, Rikrik Kusmara Limited Availability Srihadi Soedarsono (Born Solo, 4 December 1931) is not only an important figure in the...
Batik Indonesia: Sepilihan Koleksi Batik Kartini Muljadi
juli 22, 2019by latadmin
by Sonya Sondakh Kecintaan dan ketekunan barangkali adalah dua kata kunci yang mewakili koleksi pribadi seorang Kartini Muljadi yang direkam dengan indah di dalam buku...
Book on India with iconic pictures
juli 13, 2019by latadmin
by Steve McCurry India explores the lives of everyday people in extraordinary settings through the lens of Steve McCurry, one of the most admired photographers working...
Lempad of Bali. A book
juni 24, 2019by latadmin
by Carpenter, Darling, Hinzler, McGowan, Vickers and Widagdo I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, who died in 1978, is an acknowledged icon of Balinese art with a reputation that is...
Book on Citibank Indonesia
mei 31, 2019by latadmin
CITIBANK: 50 Years of Dedication for Indonesia This is a limited-edition book of a story that began 50 years ago, when Citi first put down roots in Indonesia. With a...
MINAHASA WONDERLAND: Negeri Mempesona di Bibir Pasifik
mei 10, 2019by latadmin
By: Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin, Dwi Urip Premono, Yop Pandie Di antara sejumlah orang-orang Barat yang pernah menulis mengenai Minahasa pada abad-abad yang silam, mungkin...
Bulan Puasa
mei 07, 2019by latadmin
Muslims around the world celebrate the holy month of Ramadan by praying during the night time and abstaining from eating, drinking, and sexual acts during the period...