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7 Driving Range Murah di Jakarta

Santai sore atau ngumpul bareng sama teman memang asyik. Nah, selain di café atau mall, kamu juga bisa melakukan itu di driving range. Tenang, buat kamu yang baru mau...

Thus Have I Seen Buddhist Film Festival

The fourth edition of the Thus Have I Seen Buddhist Film Festival (THIS BFF) will be held from 17 to 24 September 2016. Our ticket launch will be on 22 July.   Name...

Friendship Village: a school campus in Hanoi (2)

by Rens Bubberman This article responds an earlier article about the inclusion of people with disabilities in Hanoi. Previous article emphasized the (international)...

Friendship Village: a school campus in Hanoi (1)

by Rens Bubberman Vietnam is a country with over 91 million inhabitants. Over 6.5 million of them live in Vietnams capital city of Hanoi. During the Vietnam War,...

Witness the Art of Walter Spies at Galeri Nasional Indonesia

Exhibition  Goresan Juang Kemerdekaan until Aug 30, 2016 When he died 70 years ago, the artist Walter Spies was known to only a few close friends. Now he is prized as...

Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan

The words of Wardiman Djojonegoro reveal Indonesian history the way only a man who worked alongside Suharto, Ali Sadikin and B.J. Habibie can. The modest 74-year-old...

Jaipong club in Jatinegara

by Nick George I’m happy to present a mini-doc I shot in 2014 about the last Jaipong club in Jatinegara, Jakarta. I expect to return in the near-future to continue...

Waterfalls of Bali

Bali has a wonderful selection of waterfalls, especially in the central-northern highlands, offering the opportunity for both gentle and challenging nature treks...

Memories of the Sacred

                “Memories of the Sacred” represents part of an ongoing series of photographs that Rio Helmi has been...

Our favorite Vietnamese contemporary artists

1.                                                                      2. To celebrate the 7th anniversary of the gallery’s...