april 30, 2017by latadmin
I am May and I am an upcoming artist (I am also a fulltime freelance designer/illustrator by day). I would like to invite you to come and feature me at my very 1st solo...
Q & A with writer Laksmi Pamuntjak
april 25, 2017by latadmin
At the end of 2012, Pamuntjak's first novel, Amba, was the runner-up of Tempo Magazine's 2012 Best Book of the Year award. The novel is a modern take on the story of...
Contemporary Urban Living
april 10, 2017by latadmin
by Yuni Jie In this beautifully illustrated book—‘Yuni Jie: Contemporary Urban Living’, with photographs by Martin Westlake—Yuni Jie showcases a rich visual...
Feel Free to UNZIP
april 05, 2017by latadmin
Informasi sederhana seputar proses kerja desain grafis dan bisa untuk pegangan mahasiswa jurusan Desain Grafis atau Komunikasi Visual. Awal kehidupan seorang desainer...
Bali. Island of the Spirits
april 01, 2017by latadmin
By: John Stanmeyer Ghosts hover everywhere on Bali. At least that is what the inhabitants of this Indonesian island believe, who see their lives as connected with an...
30 Things Surfers Need to Know When Traveling
maart 20, 2017by latadmin
By: Cristina Costea Are you planning to take your surfboard out for a spin in a place you’ve never been before? You’re doing it on your own, without any friends or...
Artist Vandersterren
maart 10, 2017by latadmin
by Didier Hamel Biography of one of the most famous landscape, expressionist painter living and working in the Far East capturing Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand &...