Can Wim Rijsbergen Regain The 1938 World Cup Dream?
oktober 16, 2011by
By: Jacobus E. Lato The history of Indonesian football, as well as many other societal and cultural phenomena, derives from its long and complicated specific ...
The power to rebuild
oktober 15, 2011by latadmin
A hydroelectricity mega-project is creating new problems in Poso Lian Gogali Peura villagers protest at the site of one of the towers Fian Before a crowd of thousands of...
Recipe: Sambal Tumbuk with Salted Fish
oktober 14, 2011by
By: Erna Dyanty When I wrote my first food article for Latitudes, on masak lemak recipe, I had already planned to write a complimentary side dish as my second article....
Yogyakarta and its Hill of Stones
oktober 12, 2011by latadmin
By: Anthony Sutton, published in Jakarta Expat edition 53 Anyone with but the flimsiest knowledge of Indonesia will know the pivotal role Yogyakarta has played. In...
Latitudes scholar: Get Published!
oktober 11, 2011by latadmin
Latitudes scholar By: Peter van Riel Latitudes scholar* is an open access publication source. It will publish original research and review articles in an interactive,...
The Temple of Christ and the Sugar Factory: A Javanese Jesus
oktober 11, 2011by
By: Reyhard Matheos Jesus never set foot on Java. At least, there’s no mention of him doing so in the bible. Yet, only 20 kilometers from Yogyakarta in a small village...
Bali’s Unique Rice Paddies Unesco World Heritage?
oktober 10, 2011by
By: Yvette Benningshof The lush green rice paddies of Bali and its unique water management system of subak are under threat. Tourism and water shortages are one of...
Where to Stay in Metro Manila, Philippines
oktober 09, 2011by
By: Joan Mae Soco-Bantayan The Metro Manila is the political, economic, and social center of the Philippines. It is a sprawling metropolis that is composed of 16 cities...
The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival: First Impressions
oktober 07, 2011by latest rss headlines
By: Emma Kwee The Ubud Readers and Writers Festival is a yearly event that brings pen handlers, readers and critics from all over the world to Bali. Arriving in Ubud,...
“Masak Lemak” Recipe: Sweet Leaf and Sweet Potato in Coconut Milk
oktober 07, 2011by
By: Erna Dyanty “Masak Lemak” is one of the many common dishes served with rice. You can find this everywhere in Malaysia, only difference is that the each state...