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Latitudes scholar. Get published


Latitudes scholar* is an open access publication source. It will publish original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of studies on culture, people and nature of South East Asia.

Latitudes scholar seeks to be an open access outlet for academic research. As such, unlike traditional journals, it does not limit content due to page budgets or thematic significance. Rather, it  evaluates the scientific and research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research. This approach allows readers greater access and gives them the power to determine the significance of each article through interactive comments feature. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, Latitudes scholar facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.

Why publish in Latitudes scholar?

  1. Quick review and decision times for authors
  2. Speedy, continuous-publication online format
  3. Global distribution of your research via, including comments features.
  4. Professional copyediting and typesetting of your article will ensure quality
  5. $95 introductory author acceptance fee (discounted from the regular price of $ 195)

Who should submit manuscripts to Latitudes scholar?

  • Authors who want their articles to receive quality reviews and efficient production, ensuring the quickest publication time
  • Authors who want their articles to receive free, broad, and global distribution on a powerful, highly discoverable publishing platform
  • Authors who want or need their articles to be open access because of university or government mandates

Articles should be focused, guided by clearly formulated questions and leading to well-argued conclusions. Latitudes scholar is aimed at a broad readership of researchers, lecturers, students and others.

We make a distinction between articles of 2.500- 3.000 words and short contributions of 1.500- 2.000 words. The articles and short contributions will be edited if needed. We also welcome book reviews. The reviews preferably discuss two or three recently published titles within the field of South East Asia studies or addressing a specific theme. The author is invited to write a short essay (max. 1.500 words) and use the books under scrutiny to reflect on an overarching theme or topic. These essays will be reviewed by the editorial board only.

Manuscript Preparation

Articles should not exceed 3,000 words (excluding references) and may present original research or literature reviews. The word count (which includes all text including the abstract, manuscript, notes, tables, figures, etc.) should appear on the title page.

Manuscripts should include an abstract of approximately 150 words, and, beneath the abstract, 4-5 keywords. All manuscripts should follow the guidelines of Latitudes scholar.

Any inquiries regarding manuscript submission may be directed to the editorial team at

Publication Fee

Latitudes scholar
accomplishes global open access by using a business model in which its expenses are recovered by an author publication fee charged after acceptance. The fee currently stands at the special introductory rate of $95 (regular fee: $ 195) for each published article. Asian authors who do not have the means to cover the publication may contact the editorial team.

*Based upon SAGE Open (