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Rehearsing with Sumber Cipta, South of Jakarta, By: Gerard Mosterd

Kreativität Dance Indonesia presents a triple bill dance performance

Kreativität Dance Indonesia presents a triple bill dance performance. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Gedung Kesenian Jakarta Schouwburg Festival-Gedung...

Jad Montenegro

Filipino Singer/Songwriter Jad Montenegro: Songs based on Emotions

By: Jesse Pizarro Boga Jad Montenegro had it in her: her knack for music. “I was in a whole bunch of bands and went to gigs whenever I could,”  she said,...

Lana and her imaginary cowboy

Postcards from the Zoo: A Magical-Poetic Treatment of Uprooted Beings

By: Ari Purnama |Screened at the World Cinema Amsterdam Festival 2012 (8-19 August 2012)| I have considered living in the zoo, actually, instead of in overcrowded...

Ledjar's puppets come to life in this workshop, By: Sita Magfira

Ledjar Subroto: The Story of a Yogya-based Puppeteer & a Small but Smart Deer

By: Sita Magfira “Come in. Take a seat, please!” a white-haired man told me after I came in to Ledjar’s house. Ledjar is Yogyakarta-based puppeteer. Located in...

Shortfilm Bamiyan will be screened on THIS Buddhist Film Festival

THIS Buddhist Film Festival 2012 Singapore

THIS Buddhist Film Festival returns with a bigger and more exciting movie line-up Film Festival set to engage audience and open minds The Thus Have I Seen (THIS)...

The Raid Film

The Raid: Redemption

By: Andrew Trigg, first published on Jakarta Expat The Raid: Redemption is an Indonesian film like no other. It’s a wildly exciting adrenaline rush of a punch fest...

30th Malaysia International Salon of Photography Exhibition 2012

By: Diana van Oort The Photographic Society of Malaysia (PSM) has been actively promoting various kinds of photography activities, popularizing and upgrading the...

raden saleh

Raden Saleh & the Beginning of Modern Indonesian Painting

By: Rani Yunus “Raden Saleh and The Beginning of Modern Indonesia Painting” is the first-ever monographic show of the maestro’s works in his homeland ...

Friendly faces welcome you at the Coming of Age Photo exhibition, By David Tay Poey Cher

Coming of Age: Forgotten Faces of a Greying Asia

By: Diana van Oort A friendly, wrinkly face greeted me, when I looked at the announcement of the exhibition. This was something I wanted to see. Looking at all these...

Ayu Utami, By: Panji Susanto

Indonesian Writer & Activist Ayu Utami: ‘I love Indonesia with Pain in my Heart’

By: Yvette Benningshof Questioning politics, human behavior and her own religion made Ayu Utami into a taboo breaking writer, journalist and activist. She gained...