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Corolla DX lovers in Indonesia

By: Andri Permana

Indonesia has thousands and even millions of communities that are formed from a common, a concern, a love-a-thing, even from differences. Some of those communities are engaged in a social mission, gathering fellow hobbys, others are formed by habit, such as coffee shops or lovers community hangout (nongkrong di warkop). Creating commuties is not strange and the citizens of Indonesia like it, because Indonesia is a country that has more than 15 thousand islands, all of them having such cultural differences.

Toyota Corolla DX Retro Modif

DX Bandoeng is one of the millions of existing communities in the State of Indonesia. Formed from a common hobby: the love for cars, type Corolla DX. A vehicle which was used for the Indonesian National Police Operations in the ’80s. In addition to the automotive community, DX Bandoeng also often organizes events related to social activities, for example social activities and sharing tajil and sahur during the Ramadan.

DX Bandoeng is the pioneer of the community Corolla DX lovers in Indonesia. Semarang, Bogor, Garut, Tasik, Surabaya, even Aceh and many other cities in Indonesia that began forming a community of this car type lovers. In Bandung, the number of active members is 50 cars, as well as the more than 100 who are not active. This number increases each year, it is pushing the old car selling price higher in each year.

Member of DX Bandoeng is very diverse, ranging from Senior High School students, public agencies and private workers, until retired also. DX Bandoeng used to gather (Kopdar) at the bank parking in Braga street (Bandung) in every Saturday night. This has become one of the sights and attraction for tourists who come to the city of Bandung when the weekend arrives.

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