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Latitudes Christmas Caption Competition

Latitudes Christmas Caption Competition: Win a Stay for Two at the MesaStila Hotel

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but Latitudes is feeling so delightful. That's why we have a special Christmas Caption Competition to celebrate the end of the...

Graffiti Indonesia: Tuyuloveme? Yes we do!

A short History of Graffiti in Indonesia

By: Riksa Afiaty Letter-based writing appeared on the streets of Indonesia over forty years ago and has ever since evolved into several disciplines. While graffiti...

elephant valley project cambodia

The Elephant Valley Project in Cambodia

Elephant Livelihood Initiative Environment (ELIE) is a registered local non-government organization based in Mondulkiri, Cambodia. ELIE’s aim is to improve the health...

The Green Walk, 300 km for environmental justice

Malaysian Activists Walk 300 KM to Demand Environmental Justice

A group of Malaysian activists has embarked on a 300 km walk from Kuantan to Kuala Lumpur to demand for an end to various environment grievances afflicting their...

Eko Supriyanto, Sri Qadariatin, Martinus Miroto and Jamaluddin Latif in a Javanese version of Stravinsky's L'Histoire du Soldat

An Indonesian/Javanese version of Stravinsky’s L’Histoire du Soldat

L'Histoire du Soldat  is a gem of early 20th century classical music. A new, improved version of this production will be launched now with another, new star cast. This...

Jamu Cekok, open for service

Crying and Curing: A Photo Essay on Jamu Cekok (Traditional Medicines) in Yogya

Photos and story by: Nico Haryono In the very early morning, a woman is mixing and putting ingredients into a piece of cloth.  Several mothers and their children sit...

Hot and fragrant Soto Betawi

Dapoer Aisah: Soto Betawi Recipe

By: Aisah Wolfard The perfect cure against the cold is soto betawi, a hot bowl of beef soup to warm you up! Soto in Indonesian means soup with extra ingredients. It...

Nyoba Kan International Butoh Festival

Celebrating Butoh Dance: The 5th Nyoba Kan International Butoh Festival

2012 9th November – 9th December Artistic director : Lee Swee Keong Art aficionados, take heart! Here's something that will entice your senses. Nyoba Kan...

Lao Airlines Lands Lanith’s Passport to Success

Lao Airlines Lands Lanith’s Passport to Success

VIENTIANE – Lanith presented Passports to Success to 28 Lao Airlines personnel, who successfully completed customer service skills-training courses, during a...

Women and development

Indonesian women have been the target of hundreds of gender-focused development programs but to what effect? Nikki Edwards Mixed reactions as women document a community...