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Defining the Nation? Indonesian arts

Indonesia’s participation in the Venice Biennale in 2013 sought a place for Indonesian contemporary art within the international dialogue of cosmopolitan art...

A river changes course: a film by Kalyanee Mam

“Today,” remarks Sav Samourn, “everyone needs land.” Winner of the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize: Documentary at Sundance, A River Changes Course tells the story...

Online cosmopolitan

Enrico has lived in Indonesia, West Papua, the United States, Australia and Timor-Leste. He started his journalism career in 1998 when he joined The Maritime Workers’...

Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon

Signs of Change: Traveling through Burma

Text & Images by: Willem van Gent January is Indo-China month at Latitudes. Willem van Gent and Willy van Rooijen are a Dutch couple who traveled through Burma....

Cosmopolitan Indonesia

‘Outside Indonesia’ – that could be the title of this edition. Cosmopolitanism is the idea that human beings belong to a single community and share a common...

The Changing Face of Burma

By: Gabrielle Yetter January is Indo-China month at Latitudes. With one hand balanced on the steering wheel, our driver, Thura Thein, fumbled in his pocket as he drove...

Re: Christianity in Indonesia – 2

Indonesia has become steadily more Islamic since Suharto's second term, notwithstanding the pseudo-secular Megawati (who actually aligned the PDI-P with the PPP and...

Re: Christianity in Indonesia – 1

A 12th Century Christian Egyptian record of churches suggest that a church was established in Barus, on the west coast of North Sumatra, a trading post known to have...

Baros, on the west coast of Sumatra

Christianity in Indonesia

By: Antony Sutton No-one can be quite sure when Christianity first reached the Indonesian archipelago. The earliest hint comes from a kind of handbook for early...

Corolla DX lovers in Indonesia

By: Andri Permana Indonesia has thousands and even millions of communities that are formed from a common, a concern, a love-a-thing, even from differences. Some of those...