Duta Batik Peranakan
november 10, 2017by latadmin
Oey Soe Tjoen By William Kwan Hwie Liong Oey Soe Tjoen adalah salah satu produk batik tulis halus terbaik Indonesia bergaya peranakan tionghoa yang sejak 1930 telah...
Vietnamese art at Craig Thomas Gallery HCMC
november 05, 2017by latadmin
We have already had a busy year of exhibitions, but there are two more solo shows that CTG will bring you between now and the close of 2017. First up will be long-time...
The Sinulog Festival, The Philippine
november 01, 2017by latadmin
The holidays are fast approaching, and you know what comes after that – the Sinulog Festival. You’ve seen it all on TV. You’ve probably heard people talking about...
Kartini: Anthology of poems
oktober 10, 2017by latadmin
Five poems celebrating Kartini and her contribution to Indonesia’s feminist movement Patih Goah by Siwi Dwi Saputro Writing by Wikan Satriati Farewell, Fierda by...
Dalam Batik Tati Suryoyo (article in Bahasa Indonesia)
september 30, 2017by latadmin
Oleh Irawati Suroyo Bambang AS Kedudukan batik sebagai bagian dari kekayaan budaya Indonesia yang sudah diakui dunia. Sejarah batik yang sudah dimulai sejak ratusan...
Craig Thomas Gallery Vietnam
september 20, 2017by latadmin
CTG welcomes everyone back from what we hope was a relaxing and pleasant summer. Here at the gallery we are mid-way through our 2017 program of eight solo and two group...
Chinatown: Amrus Natalya. Article in Bahasa Indonesia
september 15, 2017by latadmin
Chinatown Amrus Natalsya selalu tertarik pada kesenian. Ketika masih kecil, pelajaran kesukaannya di sekolah ialah kesenian, terutama seni lukis. Selain seni, ia juga...