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Denpasar City Of Culture, once was

I can still remember clearly the image we had when we were kids of Denpasar. In those days-before the word 'tourist' became part of our everyday...

Kaki lima, five feet, food for all, By: Ed Caffin

Five Things to Love about Kaki Lima

By: Ed Caffin Not everybody loves them. The Indonesian mobile food-cart, the kaki lima has an infamous reputation. Most people find them annoying and claim they...

Kartini: Anthology of poems

Five poems celebrating Kartini and her contribution to Indonesia’s feminist movement Patih Goah by Siwi Dwi Saputro Writing by Wikan Satriati Farewell, Fierda by...

An old house in Lasem, By: Labodalih Sembiring

Introduction to Lasem: Java’s Forgotten Little China

By: Labodalih Sembiring Once upon a time on the northern coast of Java, there was a kingdom. It was situated near the meeting point of a long strip of white-sand ...

Dalam Batik Tati Suryoyo (article in Bahasa Indonesia)

Oleh Irawati Suroyo Bambang AS Kedudukan batik sebagai bagian dari kekayaan budaya Indonesia yang sudah diakui dunia. Sejarah batik yang sudah dimulai sejak ratusan...


By Amrus Natalsya Amrus Natalsya selalu tertarik pada kesenian. Ketika masih kecil, pelajaran kesukaannya di sekolah ialah kesenian, terutama seni lukis. Selain seni, ia...

International Travel Expo Ho Chi Minh City ended

ITE HCMC (the International Travel Expo Ho Chi Minh City), the Greater Mekong subregion’s largest and most established international travel event, concluded its 13th...

Craig Thomas Gallery Vietnam

CTG welcomes everyone back from what we hope was a relaxing and pleasant summer. Here at the gallery we are mid-way through our 2017 program of eight solo and two group...

Chinatown: Amrus Natalya. Article in Bahasa Indonesia

Chinatown Amrus Natalsya selalu tertarik pada kesenian. Ketika masih kecil, pelajaran kesukaannya di sekolah ialah kesenian, terutama seni lukis. Selain seni, ia juga...

Affandi Koesoema (painter) article in Bahasa Indonesia

Affandi Koesoema adalah seorang pelukis yang berbakat yang pernah dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Ia dikenal sebagai Maestro Seni Lukis dengan gaya abstrak dan romantisme....