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Search for: labodalih sembiring

surfing Bali

Introduction to Bali

By: Labodalih Sembiring By the 1920s, the “civilized world” began to be intrigued by a beautiful, mysterious island called Bali. The following decade, films, books...

Schoolchildren at the Borobudur, By: Ogi Fran

Borobudur: the Largest Buddhist Temple in the World

By: Labodalih Sembiring The Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. It took approxiamtely 75 years to build and stems from the Syailendra dynasty in the...

East Timor Independence Day

East Timor Independence Day is celebrated on the 20th of May every year. This important day marks the independence won by Timor Leste from Indonesian rule in 2002. The...

Nasi tahu and Sate Srepeh at Pak No's eatery, By: Labodalih

Rembang’s Special Dishes, on the hunt for Central Javanese local delicacies

By: Labodali Sembiring Rembang is the name of one of Central Java’s northern districts, as well as its capital. Getting here from Central Java’s capital of Semarang...