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High school students from Indonesia at the orientation meeting in Yogyakarta in July 2011, prior to their departure

Sita’s stories: Enlarging your teenager’s horizon?

By: Sita van Bemmelen The world is getting smaller every day. This implies that parents may wish to equip their children with the social skills to take full advantage...

Catch of the day

Ensuring food security in fisheries and aquaculture is an important challenge for the Indonesian government Mike Rimmer Fish consumption in Indonesia is almost double...

Making food politics personal

Young people in Yogyakarta turn unused urban space into edible gardens Astrid Reza The first ‘blitz’ in the village of Nitiprayan. Local children were involved in...

Rethinking Indonesia’s beef self-sufficiency agenda

The government’s latest approach is not the most effective or efficient way to promote food security Risti Permani The cost of beef is out of reach for most...

A matter of life or death for the Indonesian nation?

Hunger remains a problem in many Indonesian households Jeff Nielson Dani man in front of sweet potatoes, taro, bananas and hut- Jeff Neilson In the highlands of western...

The Burung Manyar Foundation

Ary Krisnawati from Yogyakarta started her own tailor’s workshop. Muhammad from Bandung finished his law study, found a job in Jakarta, married and became the...

Performing Islam

It was around midnight when I arrived at an Islamic secondary school after a sweaty nine-hour bus drive from Yogyakarta to Tegal. A big event was taking place to...

Rambo 2, SBY, Idul Adha

Idul Adha & the Inevitable End of Rambo 2

By: Jacobus E. Lato In the last two years, Idul Adha in Indonesia has meant the end for Rambo. Last year Rambo 1 was killed and today Rambo 2 was bitterly slain. It...

Idul Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice

Idul Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice...

The Matted Mystery of the Dieng Plateau

The Dieng Plateau in Central Java, 2,000 meters above sea level, is one of the most stunning areas in Indonesia. It is known for its gorgeous landscapes and its cool...