Binding The Beauty of Batik Pesisir
juli 10, 2017by latadmin
By Hartono Sumarsono, Helen Ishwara, L.R. Supriyapto Yahya, Xenia Moeis While the beauty of Hartono Sumarsono’s batik pesisir collection may be appreciated...
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
juli 05, 2017by latadmin
Craig Thomas Gallery is pleased to announce details of our two upcoming events for July 2017. The first will be our annual anniversary group exhibition of Vietnamese...
Beyond decent work
juni 20, 2017by latadmin
A new book examines Indonesian labour struggles through the lens of international political economy theory By Antje Missbach Indonesian wages continue to be among the...
Batik from Batavia
juni 15, 2017by latadmin
As one of the most prominent seaports in the Indonesian archipelago, Jakarta (Batavia) was visited by many people, tribes and nations who interact and assimilate with...
Musings on Chinese Food
mei 30, 2017by latadmin
by Myra Sidharta Why would I, a person well known among my friends as a lousy cook, want to write about Chinese food? First, because in spite of my clumsiness in the...
Monkey Business in Jakarta
mei 20, 2017by latadmin
by Matthew Isaac Cohen “Sarimin goes… to the market!” shouts the showman. “Da-da-dum, da-da-dum, da-da-dum” beats the drum. And the monkey goes through its...
Five years ago
mei 12, 2017by latadmin has been online for 1,5 year now.In that period we published over 500 articles, by talented Southeast Asian writers, expats and travelers. Time to...
Oil paintings by Hanoi-based artist Nguyen Quoc Trung
mei 02, 2017by latadmin
By Craig Thomas Ms. Duong Thu Hang of Hanoi Studio Gallery has been working with young Vietnamese visual artists to help them develop their practice and careers for over...