A revolution in the making
oktober 24, 2010by latadmin
Casual designs are not just revolutionising batik culture, they’re also giving batik workers new choices
Kubca Samakta
oktober 12, 2010by latadmin
Kubca Samakta is a non profit organization in Bandung that educates hearing impaired people, to build an independent life. The stunning building that houses this...
Recipe for Jaja Matahari and Jaja Sirat
oktober 08, 2010by latadmin
By: Mila Shwaiko This article was originally published in Latitudes magazine, a renowned bi-monthly magazine focusing on Indonesian culture. The magazine hailing from...
Learning to belong
september 10, 2010by latadmin
Educational efforts are being made around the country to enable minorities to feel they belong and to teach majorities that they should value the diversity of Indonesia
Empty promises
september 10, 2010by latadmin
The Clean Development Mechanism has failed to deliver Tessa Toumbourou Biomass is aerated on-site to ensure aerobic composting Image courtesy...
Sustainability and prosperity
september 10, 2010by latadmin
Development initiatives can and must safeguard local environments This is the first article in a six part series about environmental issues in Indonesia. Judith Mayer...
Vocational schools for all?
september 06, 2010by latadmin
Gender favouritism and religious discrimination cause problems at a vocational school
Vision is not enough
september 06, 2010by latadmin
A whole-school effort is needed to realise a vision of multicultural education in an Islamic boarding school
Educating global citizens?
september 03, 2010by latadmin
The privileged are increasingly opting for international schools where students learn the good and the bad of multiculturalism