Catch of the day
oktober 25, 2013by latadmin
Ensuring food security in fisheries and aquaculture is an important challenge for the Indonesian government Mike Rimmer Fish consumption in Indonesia is almost double...
Making food politics personal
oktober 25, 2013by latadmin
Young people in Yogyakarta turn unused urban space into edible gardens Astrid Reza The first ‘blitz’ in the village of Nitiprayan. Local children were involved in...
Rethinking Indonesia’s beef self-sufficiency agenda
oktober 25, 2013by latadmin
The government’s latest approach is not the most effective or efficient way to promote food security Risti Permani The cost of beef is out of reach for most...
A matter of life or death for the Indonesian nation?
oktober 25, 2013by latadmin
Hunger remains a problem in many Indonesian households Jeff Nielson Dani man in front of sweet potatoes, taro, bananas and hut- Jeff Neilson In the highlands of western...
Performing Islam
oktober 21, 2013by latadmin
It was around midnight when I arrived at an Islamic secondary school after a sweaty nine-hour bus drive from Yogyakarta to Tegal. A big event was taking place to...
Eco-meetings in Flores, Indonesia
oktober 08, 2013by latadmin
On October 23, the Eco Flores meetings will start in Bajawa. Besides a main conference there will be a combination of workshops and programs concerning the sustainable...