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A rare view

Review: Barbara Hatley’s new book documents a career-long study of, and passion for, performance in Central Java Emma Baulch Javanese Performances on an Indonesian...

Big business, big damage

Bioprospecting is threatening Bunaken National Park Walter Balansa    Bunaken coral reefs are home to great biodiversity    Walter Balansa...

In search of sustainable farming

Bali-based NGOs are an important part of Indonesia’s growing sustainable agriculture movement Nicola Edwards    A farmer from Selat in Bali examines the...

Who owns the carbon?

Indonesia’s carbon stores spark international attention Jeff Neilson    A hand-written sign forbidding forest clearing reinforces ambiguities   ...

Indonesian Karaoke Culture

by John MacDougall Additional Reporting by Bodrek Arsana Karaoke: for most people, the word brings to mind embarrassing memories of belting out (or watching others belt...

Teaching religious tolerance

Some inspirational efforts are being made to promote inter-religious understanding, but state schools are way behind

Prosperity denied

Mining is booming in East Nusa Tenggara, but where is the wealth going? Nicola Colbran      Working hard at the PT Sumber Jaya Asia manganese mine      Nicola...

Beauty on the Installment Plan

By: Dédé Oetomo Would you like to have a more pointed nose like an Indian, Arab or white person? Higher cheek bones, perhaps? More sensuous lips or a fuller forehead?...

Apotik Komik

by Michelle Chin Apotik Komik (Comic Pharmacy) was founded in 1997. Currently it is run by three artists-Arie Diyanto, Bambang Toko Witjaksono and Samuel Indratma;...