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Empty promises

The Clean Development Mechanism has failed to deliver Tessa Toumbourou    Biomass is aerated on-site to ensure aerobic composting    Image courtesy...

Sustainability and prosperity

Development initiatives can and must safeguard local environments This is the first article in a six part series about environmental issues in Indonesia. Judith Mayer...

Vocational schools for all?

Gender favouritism and religious discrimination cause problems at a vocational school

Vision is not enough

A whole-school effort is needed to realise a vision of multicultural education in an Islamic boarding school

Educating global citizens?

The privileged are increasingly opting for international schools where students learn the good and the bad of multiculturalism

Cautiously promoting humanism

A new Chinese school tries to promote ‘universal’ Confucian values

Front stage with the PKS

At its upmarket congress, Indonesia’s biggest Islamic party tried but failed to convince it has become an open and inclusive party Greg Fealy    PKS delegates...

Bungkusan: Indonesian take-away food

By: Diana Darling The point of wrapping food is so that it doesn’t dribble through your fingers. But the different ways that people wrap food is interesting for the...

Talismans from the Past, Not At Liberty

By: Diana Darling The other day I saw something that I cannot put out of my mind. A Dutch friend—a serious collector of Indonesian historical documents such as...

Affirming difference

Elite Christian schools in Indonesia can become places where religious, ethnic and class identities are heightened, particularly in relation to the nation’s ethnic...