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Thousands told to flee as Cyclone Phailin approaches India

Tens of thousands of people have been ordered to flee from their homes on the east coast of India where a massive cyclone is bearing down. The category 4 storm is due to...

Fukushima Radiation Leaks Raise Raises Alarm about TEPCO

Henry Ridgwell TOKYO — The owners of Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, TEPCO, have apologized after several workers at the site were accidentally doused...

NPTV premières TV-as-a-service (ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)

(Source: ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) Cloud-computing Platform NPTV has officially launched with the aim of making broadcast television interactive...

ABU Programming Committee focuses on trust as key issue (ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)

(Source: ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) Asia-Pacific broadcasters are being told that their audiences’ trust, once damaged, can be very difficult to...

Free webinar a chance to critique DRM transmission (ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)

(Source: ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) Broadcasters considering DRM will have a chance to examine and discuss the digital radio transmission technology...

StarHub relaunches sports channel free-to-air under new partnership (ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)

(Source: ABU – Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) Singapore pay-television broadcaster StarHub has signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Singapore...

Cyclone Phailin bears down on India

11 October 2013 Last updated at 16:00 BST India is preparing for a massive cyclone that is sweeping through the Bay of Bengal towards the east coast. Rain and winds are...

China sex trade infiltrates international hotels

Prostitution is illegal in China, but the BBC has uncovered evidence of organised prostitution at independently run spas located inside a number of well known,...

Tourist killed in Thailand bus crash

A Russian tourist has been killed and 32 others injured after a bus overturned on its way to an elephant village in western Thailand, police said. Police Col Bandit...

Detained American’s Mother Visits Him in North Korea

The mother of Kenneth Bae, a Korean-American who is being held in North Korea and is in failing health, visited him in a Pyongyang hospital on Friday and told Japan’s...