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Protesters Reject Thai Government Offer for Dialogue

Ron Corben BANGKOK — Thailand's political tensions continue, with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra saying she is willing to hold talks while protesters occupy...

Thai political protesters clash violently, 1 dead

BANGKOK — Aggressive protests in the Thai capital have turned violent with at least one man killed and five wounded by gunshots in street fighting between government...

CHN/JPN – Tactical China catch Japan off guard in gold medal game (FIBA Asia)

(Source: FIBA Asia) COLOMBO, Sri Lanka ( 3rd FIBA Asia U16 Championship for Women ): China played out the most tactical game of the entire competition and caught Japan...

Shared Responsibility: Strengthening Results for an AIDS-Free Generation (ASEAN – Association of South-East Asian Nations)

(Source: ASEAN – Association of South-East Asian Nations) MESSAGE of H.E. LE LUONG MINH ASEAN Secretary-General This year’s theme of the World AIDS Day...

UN develops innovative early warning tool for drought prone Asia-Pacific regions (ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

(Source: ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) Senior officials from governments across the Asia-Pacific region today agreed on a set of...

Creating the Silk Super-Highway in Central Asia (ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

(Source: ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) Closer cooperation, economic integration and accelerated connectivity, are amongst the...

Launch of the Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2013 (ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)

(Source: ESCAP – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific will launch...

Pakistani trade lobby protests blockade by Imran Khan`s party

The Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint…

Kazuyoshi Okuyama to produce Koji Fukada’s Sayonara

EXCLUSIVE: Fukushima-themed sci-fi drama likely to be French co-production. Japanese director Koji Fukada, whose Au revoir l’ete premiered in Tokyo competition last...

Thai protesters swarm army headquarters compound

BANGKOK (AP) — Protesters forced their way onto the grounds of Thailand's army headquarters on Friday, asking the military to support their increasingly...