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A roadside bomb…

Amount of foreign workers in Indonesia declining

Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar stated that the number of foreign workers in Indonesia continue to decline in the recent two years among other...

Pro-nuclear candidate elected Tokyo governor

Yoichi Masuzoe, a former health minister backed by Japan’s ruling party, has been elected as the new governor of Tokyo, after defeating two candidates who had...

Sushil Koirala set to become next Prime Minister of Nepal

Sushil Koirala is set to…

Gutted Bangladesh factory`s owner denied bail

A court in Bangladesh…

Factory owners face homicide charges

The two owners of a Bangladesh garment factory who are facing homicide charges for a 2012 fire that killed 112 workers surrendered to a court Sunday and were denied...

Suryadharma defends Angel Lelga

Paddison on track for second Victorian PGA title (PGA Tour Australasia)

(Source: PGA Tour Australasia) New Zealander Gareth Paddison has extended his lead at the Lexus of Blackburn Victorian PGA Championship being played at the Heritage Golf...

Afghanistan Continues to Be Hub of Poppy Cultivation

Kokab Farshori A recent U.S. government report notes that more Afghan land is under poppy cultivation today than it was under the Taliban in 2002. Demand for drugs,...

McDonald’s opens first outlet in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh

Fast-food giant McDonald's – often seen as a symbol of American capitalism – has opened its first restaurant in communist-controlled Vietnam. Hundreds...