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Bus plunges into ravine, 13 killed

Indonesia to buy Apache helicopters from US

Indonesia plans to buy eight units of AH-64 Apache helicopter from the US, deputy minister of defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said here on Thursday.

Central Govt. Urged to Settle GKI Yasmin Conflict

, Jakarta:The House of Representatives (DPR) has asked the central and regional administrations to find a solution to the conflict involving the Indonesian Christian...

Nazaruddin: “Anas and Angelina Controlled Hambalang Project”

, Jakarta:Bribery defendant Muhammad Nazaruddin has once again incriminated Anas Urbaningrum and Angelina Sondakh in the Hambalang project scandal. Nazaruddin said...

Nazaruddin: “Anas and Angelina Controlled Hambalang Project”

, Jakarta:Bribery defendant Muhammad Nazaruddin has once again incriminated Anas Urbaningrum and Angelina Sondakh in the Hambalang project scandal. Nazaruddin said...

PKB Denies Using Money from State Transmigration Project

, Banyuwangi, East Java:Joni Subagyo, Chairman of the East Java National Awakening Party (PKB), said that his party never received…

PKB Denies Using Money from State Transmigration Project

, Banyuwangi, East Java:Joni Subagyo, Chairman of the East Java National Awakening Party (PKB), said that his party never received…

Angelina’s Dismissal Stalled by Anas

, Jakarta:Angelina Sondakh, as of Wednesday, has not been officially dismissed from the post as the Democrat Party Deputy Secretary-General because the…

Angelina’s Dismissal Stalled by Anas

, Jakarta:Angelina Sondakh, as of Wednesday, has not been officially dismissed from the post as the Democrat Party Deputy Secretary-General because the…

Puncak Jaya Local Elections Have Claimed 55 Lives

, Jakarta:The regental elections in Puncak, Papua, disturbed by riots in Ilaga, have claimed 55 lives since…