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Ministerial Budget Trimmed

, Jakarta:The government and the House of Representatives’ (DPR) Budget Council have agreed to cut ministerial and institutional budget by seven percent in the 2012...

No DPR Approval Needed for Newmont Shares Purchase, Says Yusril

, Jakarta:Yusril Ihza Mahendra , professor of Constitutional Law from the University of Indonesia, has made remarks with regard to the dispute involving the authority...

100 orangutans estimated lost in Indonesian fires

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Fires raging in an Indonesian swamp forest may have killed a third of the rare Sumatran orangutans living there and all of them may be lost...

Forestry Industry in South Sulawesi Declining Sharply

, Makassar, South Sulawesi:The forestry industry sector in South Sulawesi is experiencing a sharp decline. South Sulawesi Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief…

Public Transport Tariffs May Rise by 20 Percent

, Jakarta:The Transportation Ministry has agreed on new public transportation tariffs: a maximum of 20 percent higher. “We only ask for…

PDP for withdrawal of FIRs against 5,000 youths

Jammu: PDP on Tuesday warned the Jammu and Kashmir government to withdraw cases registered against 5,000 youths for stone pelting during the 2010 summer unrest in...

Indian school girl ‘forced to beg’ over poor grades

Police in the southern Indian city of Mysore have arrested a wealthy man for allegedly making his daughter beg as a punishment for poor school grades. The…

Poll: Support for the War in Afghanistan Falls

In Tuesday’s New York Times, Elisabeth Bumiller and Allison Kopicki write about findings from the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, which found two-thirds of...

Rising petrol prices worrying car owners in China

The price of petrol in China has…

iPad 3 cleared for sale in China, despite trademark dispute

By Hana Stewart-Smith | March 27, 2012, 9:28am PDT Summary: Apple’s Wi-Fi iPad 3 model has passed certification in China, and is clear for sale, despite the...