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Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen tossed for 5 games over pro-Castro comments

By Steven Wine The Associated PressAssociated PressPosted: 04/10/2012 09:27:48 AM PDTApril 10, 2012 4:37 PM GMTUpdated: 04/10/2012 09:37:03 AM PDT Protestor Olga Gomez...

NKorea space official: Rocket ready for launch

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korean space officials said Tuesday that the rocket built to carry a satellite into space was ready for liftoff this week as the...

Pakistanis flee homes as fighting increases in Khyber region

Renewed clashes between the Pakistani army and militant…

Private Vehicles Must Only Use Unsubsidized Fuel, Says Minister

, Jakarta:Energy Deputy Minister Widjajono Partowidagdo has said that Indonesia needs to issue a regulation which requires private vehicles to use…

Fauzi Expected to Win First Round

, Jakarta:Jakarta governor and deputy-governor candidates Fauzi…

Unexplained Discrepancies Found In Traveler’s Checks Case

, Jakarta:Traveler’s checks case trial against defendant Nunun Nurbaetie today is expected, among others, to clarify some oddities linked to the bribe…

PNG prime minister says vote to go ahead in June

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the nation would go to the polls in June as planned, despite a parliamentary vote for a six-month delay....

Oil and Gas Reserves in Sumenep Sufficient for 30 Years

, Sumenep, Madura:Research conducted by the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BP Migas) has estimated that gas reserves in Sumenep reaches up to 6 trillion cubic feet and...

Lapindo Has Rp900 Billion in Outstanding Payments

, Jakarta:Dolfie O.F. Palit, member of the House of Representatives’ (DPR) Budget Council, has urged the government to collect outstanding…

Gunmen attack plane in Papua, kill one

, Jakarta:Gunmen fired on a small plane after it landed in Indonesia’s restive Papua region today, killing one passenger and wounding four people including both...