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Sri Lanka’s historic Jaffna library ‘vandalised’

The historic Jaffna public library in Sri Lanka has been closed to tourists a week after a large group of visitors vandalised it, say reports. The library has emotional...

OSCE welcomes end of Turkey YouTube ban (AFP)

AFP – The OSCE on Monday welcomed a Turkish court’s decision to end a three-year ban on video-sharing site YouTube, and urged the country to allow access to...

U.S. says won’t solve China currency issue at Seoul G20 (Reuters)

Reuters – The United States said on Monday it does not expect that China will bow to pressure over its yuan currency during a Group of 20 summit in Seoul, but...

UN leader Ban meets with Chinese President Hu (AP)

AP – U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asked China to play a greater role in solving African crises during a meeting Monday with the president, but did not...

Indonesian red cross sends hygiene kits to Merapi victims

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) had once again sent medical supplies and equipment to the Mt Merapi evacuees including sanitation equipment for use in the shelters, a...

Vietnam, Russia sign deal on nuke power plant

2010-10-31 23:07:33.0Vietnam, Russia sign deal on nuke power plantVietnam,Russia , nuclear power plant1159070Asia-Pacific2@webnews/enpproperty–> HANOI —...

Govt mulling to resettle Mentawai residents to eastern coast

The government is considering to resettle residents of the tsunami-devastated Mentawai Islands from tsunami-prone western coastal areas to relatively-safe eastern...

Mt Merapi again spews hot clouds

Mount Merapi again spewed hot clouds of ash moving in the easterly direction at 2.44 p.m. on Sunday.

Australia contaminates Indonesia sea with toxic chemicals

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has sprayed the Timor Sea with dispersants containing highly toxic chemicals to sink the oil spill from the Montara oil...

Tourism minister urges Israelis to boycott Turkey (AP)

AP – Israel’s tourism minister on Sunday urged Israelis to boycott Turkey in response to Israeli press reports that the country has classified Israel as a...