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Four missing after police helicopter crashes into reservoir in Beijing
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
OANA) – Four people are missing after a police helicopter crashed into a reservoir in a northern suburb of Beijing on Wednesday morning, Beijing police said.
Pakistan floods make 60.000 homeless:officials
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Devastating rains have triggered floods in southern Pakistan, affecting at least 700,000 people and forcing 60,000 from their homes, officials said Wednesday.
Ministry to use budget allocation to increase rice production
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Agriculture Minister Siswono said he would use the 2012 budget allocation totaling Rp17.8 trillion for his ministry to increase rice production and productivity.
India protests swell as Anna Hazare fasts (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – Protests swelled across India Wednesday in support of a self-styled Gandhian anti-corruption campaigner fasting to the death in jail, with Prime Minister...
Blasts kill 7 Turkish soldiers, PKK blamed (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – Kurdish guerrillas killed seven Turkish soldiers in an attack on a military convoy in southeastern Turkey on Wednesday, officials said, and the...
Asia’s wealthy park cash in cars, homes, art and wine (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – Adrian Tan owns two Mercedes sedans and is looking to buy a third car. The 36-year-old financial trader was shopping with his wife on a Singapore street...
9 killed in rebel attack in Turkey (AP)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
AP – Kurdish rebels ambushed a military convoy near Turkey’s border with Iraq on Wednesday, killing eight soldiers and a village-guard, the prime minister...
Erdogan likens Syria situation to Libya (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan likened the situation in neighboring Syria to Libya on Wednesday, keeping up the pressure on Damascus to end...
Rise of China state-owned firms rattles U.S. companies (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – When the leaders of the world’s two biggest economies meet in Hawaii three months from now, U.S. President Barack Obama will still be able to brag...
Israel firm on no apology to Turkey for ship raid (Reuters)
augustus 17, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – Israel will stick to its refusal to apologize to Turkey for killing nine of its citizens on a Gaza-bound ship, an Israeli official said on Wednesday,...