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Turkey, Israel wrangle over Gaza flotilla report
augustus 22, 2011by latadmin
The United Nations on Monday again delayed the release of a report on Israel`s raid on a Turkish-led aid flotilla to Gaza because the two sides had not agreed on the...
Egypt recognises Libya rebel government
augustus 22, 2011by latadmin
Egypt on Monday recognised Libya`s rebel National Transitional Council as the legitimate government as rebels closed in on Moamer Kadhafi`s Tripoli compound, Egypt`s...
Officials: US missiles kill 4 in NW Pakistan (AP)
augustus 22, 2011by latadmin
AP – A suspected U.S. missile strike killed four alleged insurgents Monday in a militant stronghold near the Afghan border, Pakistani intelligence officials said.
Indian inquiry confirms unmarked graves in Kashmir (AP)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
AP – Hundreds of unmarked graves in Kashmir hold more than 2,000 bullet-riddled bodies that may include innocent victims, despite police claims that they were...
North Korean leader tours Russian power plant (AP)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
AP – North Korean leader Kim Jong Il toured a hydroelectric plant Sunday as his train traveled through Russia’s Far East on his first visit to the Cold...
Afghan election officials to expel 9 legislators (AP)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
AP – Afghan election officials said Sunday that nine parliamentarians should be removed from their posts because of election fraud allegations — an attempt...
China’s US assets ‘safe,’ Biden tells students (AP)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
AP – Vice President Joe Biden wrapped up a visit to China on Sunday that offered him extensive face-time with the country’s expected future leader, Xi...
7 reported killed in Turkish air raids (AP)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
AP – Turkish airstrikes on suspected rebel targets in northern Iraq killed seven civilians Sunday, Iraqi officials said.
Biden tells China not to count out U.S. strength (Reuters)
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday rejected views that American power is waning and said Washington would never default, wrapping up a China visit...
Fire razes forest on Mt Slamet`s slope
augustus 21, 2011by latadmin
A fire reportedly razed forest on the slope of Mount Slamet in Central Java on Sunday.