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Fraud fighting effort in Afghanistan is under fire (AP)
september 14, 2011by latadmin
AP – A senior House Democrat says the Defense Department failed to properly punish an Afghan-owned security company accused of operating an illicit protection...
Taliban’s Kabul siege ends after 20 hours (Reuters)
september 14, 2011by latadmin
Reuters – A marathon siege in Kabul’s diplomatic enclave ended on Wednesday with the death of the last two of a group of gunmen who had held off Western and...
Former army chief of staff Makmun Murod buried
september 14, 2011by latadmin
Former Army Chief of Staff General (ret.) Makmun Murod had been entombed at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta Wednesday.
Remains of Susi Air crew members evacuated to Piramit
september 14, 2011by latadmin
A Jayapura SAR team on Wednesday evacuated the remains of two Susi Air crew members, namely pilot Dave Coots and co pilot Thomas Munk from Saminage to Piramit campongs...
US: Kabul attack a propaganda win for Taliban (AP)
september 14, 2011by latadmin
AP – The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan on Wednesday acknowledged the Taliban gained a propaganda victory in a 20-hour assault focused on the...
Army chief: Aussie is important RI partner
september 14, 2011by latadmin
Army Chief of Staff General Pramono Edhie Wibowo said Australia is Indonesia`s important partner to create peace in the Asia Pacific region and called for enhanced...
Haqqanis: Growth of a militant network
september 14, 2011by latadmin
US officials have blamed co-ordinated attacks in Kabul on the Haqqani militant network. The Haqqanis have grown from a CIA-backed anti-Soviet group into one of the most...
Govt Plans to Build More Dental Hospitals
september 13, 2011by latadmin
, BANDUNG:The government plans to build more dental hospitals nationwide as only 14 of 26 dental faculties in the country have specialty dental hospitals. That means...
Civilians and Rights Groups Call for Troops to Leave Ambon
september 13, 2011by latadmin
, Jakarta:The government has been urged to recall Mobile Brigade troops from Ambon, Maluku, saying the situation has improved following the riot on Sunday. The...
Govt Allocates Rp1.7 Trillion to Tackle Drought
september 13, 2011by latadmin
, Jakarta:Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa said the government has prepared Rp1.7 trillion to tackle possible droughts in the dry season. The budget...