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Sri Lanka frees former Tamil Tiger fighters

Almost 2,000 former rebel fighters in Sri Lanka have been released. They were among thousands of Tamil Tigers who surrendered or were…

Lawmaker says China engages in cyber spying (Reuters)

Reuters – The chairman of the House of Representatives intelligence committee on Tuesday accused China of widespread cyber economic espionage and said many U.S....

A Film’s Clear-Eyed Look at the War in Afghanistan

“Hell and Back Again,” a visceral documentary by Danfung Dennis about the war in Afghanistan, opens in Manhattan on Wednesday. In his review for The New York...

Brother of Jailed Chinese Dissident Reports Prison Visit

BEIJING — Three brothers of Liu Xiaobo, the imprisoned dissident writer who was given the Nobel Peace Prize last year, were allowed to visit him in a prison in...

Nuclear reactor shut down in Japan, cause unknown

A nuclear power reactor was shut down automatically in western Japan on Tuesday, but the cause of the suspension was not immediately known, its operator said. Operations...

Afghans: Pakistan won’t help probe Rabbani’s death

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — An Afghan government commission investigating the assassination of the country’s former president has accused Pakistan of not...

Aung San Suu Kyi cautious on Burma reform

Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has urged the international community to monitor her country closely to see whether recent signs of possible reform are...

Turkey seeks gas price cut

     Oct 4, 2011 | More Turkey seeks gas price cut By Vladimir Socor Turkey has joined the growing ranks of claimants to revision of their contracts...

Aung San Suu Kyi cautious on Burma reform

Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has urged the international community to monitor her country closely to see whether recent signs of possible reform are...

Turkey seeks gas price cut

     Oct 4, 2011 | More Turkey seeks gas price cut By Vladimir Socor Turkey has joined the growing ranks of claimants to revision of their contracts...