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Pakistan Army wants Prez Zardari ‘out of office’

Islamabad: Pakistan’s powerful Army is fed up with unpopular President Asif Ali Zardari and wants him out of office, but through legal means and without a repeat...

US: Mistakes led to attack on Pakistani soldiers (AP)

AP – An investigation into a NATO attack that killed 24 Pakistani troops last month near the Afghan border has concluded that a combination of mistrust and bad...

GKI Yasmin issue to be rediscussed early next year : minister

Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi said the GKI Yasmin church issue in Bogor, West Java, which has been dragging on over the past few years will be rediscussed early...

Kazakhstan asks UN to help investigate deadly clashes

Kazakhstan has asked the UN to help investigate violence that left 16 dead in an oil town last week. Clashes between striking workers and police…

Overloaded ferry sinks off eastern Indonesia

An overloaded ferry carrying more than 100 passengers has sunk in high seas off eastern Indonesia. Four people were confirmed dead and dozens rescued after the boat...

Eight US troops charged over death of Private Danny Chen

Eight US soldiers have been charged over the death of infantryman Danny Chen in Afghanistan, international security forces have said. Charges include dereliction of...

president installs 26 ri ambassadors – (d)

President Susilo Yudhoyono installed 26 Indonesian ambassadors for assignment in various countries.

Pakistan deploys snipers for Christmas

Pakistan will deploy snipers and hundreds of extra police at churches this Christmas to prevent possible attacks on the persecuted Christian minority, police said...

China pulls red carpet from under actor Bale

Beijing has pulled the red carpet from under the feet of Christian Bale, the Oscar-winning actor who stars in China’s latest box-office hit, after he tried to...

Nepal’s ‘Super Sherpa’ to break Himalayan trail

Apa Sherpa, the Nepalese climber who has conquered Mount Everest a record 21 times, announced Wednesday plans to embark on a gruelling 1,700 kilometre (1,060-mile) trek...