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Threats sent to embassies in Pakistan: police

Several Western embassies in Islamabad on Wednesday received letters containing suspicious powder and threats to poison NATO soldiers in…

Germany pledges post-withdrawal cash for Afghanistan

Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Hamid Karzai hailed Wednesday a “milestone” in their relations as Germany pledged 150 million euros ($190 million) a...

Afghanistan to pump oil in five months: official

Afghanistan will start pumping oil for the first time within five months, an official said Wednesday, as part of the nation’s efforts to tap underground treasures...

N. Korea lambasts S. Korean presidential hopeful

North Korea on Wednesday lambasted South Korea’s conservative ruling party and its leading presidential hopeful Park Geun-Hye, linking her ambitions to the...

Japan penguin escapee ‘spotted’ in Tokyo Bay

A penguin which escaped from Tokyo's Sea Life Park has reportedly been spotted swimming in waters around the Japanese capital. The one-year-old Humboldt –...

Sukhoi’s black box found by Kopassus TNI-AD team

The black box of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 that crashed at Mount Salak in Bogor, West Java, recently, has been found.

India state to probe corruption in low-caste parks

LUCKNOW, India-The parks filled with statues were heralded as a celebration of India’s lowest caste. Authorities in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh are now...

Rocket blasts off from Kazakhstan as crew begins space station mission

Nasa astronaut Joseph Acaba and Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Sergei Revin…

Navy frigate raids pirate vessels

Portsmouth-based HMS Westminster raided vessels which had been used by pirates in hijacking attempts on ships travelling…

Kexim Boosts $11 Billion Bond Sale Target as Debt Costs Tumble

Export-Import Bank of Korea plans to exceed its $11 billion debt raising target in 2012, taking advantage of tumbling bond yields to cut funding costs and boost lending...