Indonesia Behind the Wheel
september 18, 2014by latadmin
Most guide books to Indonesia advise foreigners against driving in Indonesia. They make this recommendation on the basis of the notion that “there are no rules” here...
Bali. Who Owns That Tourist?
september 04, 2014by latadmin
Long-term expats, culture vultures, sensitive students and the “I Know Bali Better Than You” crew may complain that they’re different, that their relationships...
The Balinese Name Game
augustus 30, 2014by latadmin
Most guidebooks say that naming in Bali is a relatively simple business. The first child is called Wayan (or Putu if the family is of high caste). The second is...
Mid-Range Hotels in Yogyakarta, Our Top Picks
augustus 15, 2014by
By: Monica Dominguez Accommodations keep popping up in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as more and more international and local travelers explore this wonderful city. Luckily...
IIAS Photo Contest 2014
augustus 14, 2014by latadmin
The first phase of the IIAS Photo Contest 2014 has come to a close. More than 1000 photos were uploaded to our site between 1 January and 30 June! We would like to thank...
Yogya’s Southern Beaches
augustus 12, 2014by latadmin
By: Sri Rahmawati & Vatsya Mallayana Photos by: Dorothea Gecella Putri Lestari 8 a.m. and we started our trip to explore some beaches in Gunung Kidul, the most...
Yogyakarta places to be
augustus 05, 2014by
By: Labodalih Sembiring Want to make the best of your final days in Yogyakarta after having visited all of its major attractions? Check out these five favorite...
The politics of audit
juli 12, 2014by latadmin
Perceptions of political influence on the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency’s governing board continue to challenge its need for independence
Lampung’s sugar-coated elections
juli 10, 2014by latadmin
By: Ward Berenschot and Darmawan Purba Ridho’s campaign sugar- LampungOnline: http://www.lampungonline.com/2014/03/bagi-gula-cagub-cawagub-lampung-ridho.html On 9...