Indonesia’s New Year’s Resolution? Light another cigarette!
januari 07, 2011by latest rss headlines
By: Emma Kwee Second hand smoking comes second nature in Indonesia. Where in most other countries people at the bus stop will start frowning and coughing when you light...
Twittering Traditional Medicine Recipes
januari 04, 2011by
By: Dalih Sembiring In the past, Indonesians who felt that they suffered from masuk angin — a condition where one feels feverish and keeps letting out gas — might...
A Tale of Two Crises
november 04, 2010by
By: Ariel Heryanto What is striking about the general mood in Indonesia’s public life today is that there are many parallels to the mood in the first decade of its...
Orientalism: a false perception of the East
oktober 07, 2010by
By: Ed Caffin Ed Caffin explores why western perspective on the non-Western part of the world is still distorted? In Edward Saids influential book Orientalism a...
Bungkusan: Indonesian take-away food
augustus 23, 2010by
By: Diana Darling The point of wrapping food is so that it doesn’t dribble through your fingers. But the different ways that people wrap food is interesting for the...