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The picturesque beach of Ngandong, By: Dorothea Gecella Putri Lestari

Yogya’s Southern Beaches

By: Sri Rahmawati & Vatsya Mallayana Photos by: Dorothea Gecella Putri Lestari 8 a.m. and we started our trip to explore some beaches in Gunung Kidul, the most...

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitr

Like the color of silver in the night sky,  the new moon rises,  the holy month has past,  the fasting is over,  tomorrow is the great feast of Eid-ul-Fitr. We will...

We are deeply saddened by the news of the MH 17 disaster on July 17th. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the deceased. The Latitudes Team.

The politics of audit

Perceptions of political influence on the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency’s governing board continue to challenge its need for independence

Lampung’s sugar-coated elections

By: Ward Berenschot and Darmawan Purba Ridho’s campaign sugar- LampungOnline: On 9...

Business and politics in Indonesia’s expanding palm oil sector

Indonesia needs political reform, not just legal prosecution, to eradicate corruption in palm oil plantations Patrick Anderson Workers loading fresh fruit bunches-...

Deforestation, rent seeking and local elections in West Kalimantan

The ubiquity of corrupt forest licensing demonstrates the close relationship between business, politics and environmental destruction Danang Widoyoko Environmental...

Balancing business

Indonesia’s unions are engaging in electoral politics in unprecedented ways in an attempt to balance the influence of business Teri Caraway and Michele Ford...

The business of politics in Indonesia

Democratic institutions are increasingly burdened by the illicit transactions and collusive practices of politico-business elites Eve Warburton Prabowo and team at...

A development policy agenda for a new administration

Indonesia’s economic and political transformation has been remarkable, now the challenge is to deliver rapid, broad-based improvements in living standards Hal Hill...