Raden Saleh The Beginning of Modern Indonesian Painting
oktober 09, 2014by latadmin
An artist’s work must be viewed in the context of his or her time and intellectual environment. The book attempts to describe Raden Saleh’s life against the...
Design and architecture in Indonesia
september 28, 2014by latadmin
Alexandra Crosby The role of design in social change has received increasing public attention in the last decade. User-centred, iterative, participatory flexible...
The Baduy: The First People
september 25, 2014by latadmin
The Baduy are a deeply religious community who live sequestered in the forests of Western Java where they maintain their ancient way of life. The Baduy believe...
Solid Krack!
september 25, 2014by latadmin
Artist merchandise in Yogyakarta Malcolm Smith Hendra ‘blangkon’ Priyadhani, Not a young artist, not yet professional (tote bag, screenprinted on canvas)...
Design action
september 25, 2014by latadmin
Local design thinking in Bandung Sybrand Zijlstra Activating a public park as a playground, during Helarfest 2012- Galih Sedayu for BCCF 2012 Shortly before nightfall,...
The architecture of fluid identities
september 25, 2014by latadmin
Faiths and consumerism collide peacefully in Jakarta’s glitzy shopping malls Amanda Achmadi and Agung Sentausa Prayer hall in Jakarta mall – Agung Sentausa After...