New Delhi [India], December 16 (ANI): Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday slammed BJP remarks on her carrying a bag with “Palestine” written on it, terming them “useless things.”The row erupted when Priyanka Gandhi was seen carrying the bag during a Parliament session. It had “Palestine” written on it and several emblems embedded in it, including a watermelon, a symbol which is often associated with Palestinian so
Home News Item “Useless things”: Priyanka Gandhi reacts to BJP remarks on carrying bag “Palestine” written on it
“Useless things”: Priyanka Gandhi reacts to BJP remarks on carrying bag “Palestine” written on it
december 16, 2024by Reacties uitgeschakeld voor “Useless things”: Priyanka Gandhi reacts to BJP remarks on carrying bag “Palestine” written on it
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